



Starting A New School (again)


I’ve got a couple of expectations for my new school year, of myself and of the school. I’m not sure I can keep up my end of the deal, thoughJ This new school I’m going to is pretty different from Brooks. It starts at 7:50 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. That’s one hour earlier than Brooks, which is bad for the morning but good for the after. I’m used to going to school that starts at nine, not eight! Combine that with the fact that I have to take a school bus to get there, I’ll have to wake up at 6:15, while I used to wake up at 7:30!!!


The first expectation I have for myself is for me to wake up on time. The root of my sleepy-head problems lies with the fact that I sleep too late. Why? Oh, no, I don’t stay up late watching TV or cruising the web like a normal teenager. Most of the time, it’s either I’m reading, writing, or doing my homework. These past two weeks, I didn’t have to go to school, so I didn’t have to do homework. However, I’ve still went past 12:00 AM sleeping. That was five days ago. Today, I woke up at 6:30 so I would have time to take a shower before church. See? It’s not that I can’t, just that I don’t have a strong enough motive. Even though I always sleep late, I’ve never ever been late for school or a late for a class since elementary school. Why? Because I know that I have to be on time. On weekends, I can just shout at my dad to go away and go back to sleep.


After getting ready for school, I’ll have to take the school bus. That’s a very big change for me. I haven’t taken the bus to school in America before, and I’m not so keen on going on one. First of all, I don’t like the color. It’s too yellow, and even the new ones looks like it’s old because of the color. Second, I get carsick easily on buses. Oh, I never reach the point when I might throw up, but I usually do reach the point when I just feel like jumping off the car so I don’t have to feel so dizzy and nauseated anymore. Third, school buses have students in them, and I don’t really care much for sitting in a cramped space with a bunch of idiotic, immature kids (especially boys). Fourth—do I need a fourth? Three is enough, right?


School buses also have a good side to them, though. If any of my friends go on the same bus, I can socialize with them. School buses means I get almost half an hour of rest (if you can call it that, with bus drivers these days…) in a sheltered area. Last but not least, I’ve never taken the bus to school or back home, and I do want to know what it’s like. Is it really as horrible or as wonderful and books and people say? Experiencing the unknown with my own eyes holds a certain excitement for me.


I’m also very excited to meet the teachers and students. I’m not going to try to hide it—I love being the center of attention (good attention, that is, not when someone’s laughing at me). I don’t want to make myself the center of attention on purpose, like bragging I got a good grade or dressing up in a costume. No, that would make people have negative feelings towards me. I can’t go looking for attention, I have to wait for it to come to me. Like being the new kid in school. I remembered last year, moving away from the Beebe school. Everyone made cards for me, took pictures with me. Last year, being the new kid in Brooks, everyone talking to me to get a feel of what kind of personality I have. Last month, moving away from Brooks, very sad goodbyes to the teachers and close friends I have. And finally, tomorrow, being the new kid in H Middle School.


I realized I like moving and going to a new school in the course of a year. It gives me time to meet so many new and different people, get close to some of them and learn more about them, be amazed, and finally moving away and knowing how much they cared for me. Of course, I only like it when I’m confident I’ll do good in the new school and when I’m not satisfied with the old school.


The almost-best part about being the new student is actually not getting the attention at first glance. It’s building up a reputation. Every new school is a clean slate. I get to take my experiences and new knowledge from the school before and apply them at the new school. The almost-best (but not quite the best) part is watching how the people around me change their attitudes towards me after a year. Watching myself get affected by the people and change slightly. It was so fun last year, and I know it’ll be fun again this year, now I that I’m confident God will help me.


The very best part about going to the new school this year relates to having a clean slate. I want to share god with other people. I want to start the new school living for and like God. Just this past weekend, Pastor Mark taught a sermon about how to live for God in school. Teacher Ben was and still is teaching the God-X kids about Apologetics. It’s such a coicidence that those two thing were made known to me just before the time I’ll start going to a new school..or is it a coicidence? Those two things are just what I need to know to start sharing the gosple and living for the Lord. God could not have made his message to me more clear: Go and live for me at your new school.


I’ve set myself a very high standard for the rest of this school year. I will try my best to: not get distracted while doing my work, make new friends, sleep and wake up early, live like a Christian, and…..that’s it. I just hope the new school can be as exciting as I imagine!



百草园 (2013-01-13 17:17:49)

呵呵,其实Susan很渴望开始新的学校。把school bus描写的头头是道。我的孩子以前还要6:30 就上校车呢。