


 Susan著 小哭译














然而,我还是没有突然间变成一个音乐迷。我只是下载了两首他的歌到我的电脑上,就是这些。过了一阵子,我对他的那个感觉就没有了。然后,我查看了另一个流行歌手泰勒.斯威福特。那会儿我听了她的绝大部分著名的歌曲,比如“你属于我”,并且觉得她唱得也不错。“你属于我”这首歌我听了无数遍,然后她就也成了过去时。我便又恢复了以前那种 “我不听音乐”的状态了。


















令人失望的事情是,他们甚至都不知道我的存在,并且即使我遇到他们,我也不过是又一个女生粉丝而已。然而,现在我已经从这种失望的感觉中走出来了。我知道即使他们从未遇见过我,甚至不知道我的存在,他们也是爱我的。我知道他们还是在乎我的,因为他们在乎所有的粉丝。从他们的采访中、视频中、还有推持贴文中 ,我知道1D真的“在乎”他们的粉丝,他们真的感谢粉丝们使他们所做的一切成为可能。不像给别的名人当粉丝,我觉得给1D当粉丝真的很开心,因为我知道对于他们来说,我很重要。而对于其它的歌手,我感觉不到这一点。














附:他们的新单曲 ,“最好听的歌儿”,可能并非真的是最好听的歌儿(不要让死忠的1D粉丝听到我这样说),但这首歌儿确实不错!






她对1D组合的迷恋现在也没有停止,并且还传染给了小宝。我们汽车中的第三张碟就是他们的专辑,第一首歌就是“是什么让你如此美丽”。这歌的歌词我一直也没有用心听过,直到有一天Susan在车里介绍起,我才关注了一下,可是,我还是没有她的感觉呢?本来车里也有张小宝的儿歌碟,可是现在小宝说第三张才是他的最爱,并且最喜欢第一首!! 有的时候我们要听很多遍第一首歌。幸亏我不讨厌这首歌,否则我都会被这首歌逼疯了。




前些天她的一个朋友问她可不可以不再谈论1D这个话题,说她简直是沉迷了,可是她竟然不以为然,还问我们有什么看法。Susan爸爸说,如果你现在的话题只有这个了,你自己说那算不算沉迷吧?Susan说不算,因为她并非开口就只讲1D 。可是她还是继续大谈1D是如何地跟别的明星不一样,是如何地在乎他们的粉丝,而不是在乎粉丝给他们带来的钱。她说她能感觉到被“在乎”!!好吧,1D公关成功,Susan已经“中毒”不浅了。










One Direction, Music, and other things


I really, really like One Direction right now. Wait! Before you judge me, finish reading this!


I use to not listen to music. Yup, you read that right, I use to not listen to music. I don’t mean I plug my ears whenever music plays, I mean, I use to not downloaded music just to listen to it. I use to never checked out any CD’s from the library. I wasn’t interested. I thought, music is boring. That meant a lot of the famous singers or pop stars everyone listened to I have no idea about. Whenever someone mentioned Justin Bieber, I would be like “Hm…I think I know him. Is he that guy that sings? That guy with the blondish-brown hair that girls like a lot?”


That was before.


Now, I love music! Well, not all music, there’s still some music that I don’t really like or find really boring, but most of the modern singers I’ve listened to to at least once or twice. The band of singers that I’m really into right now is One Direction. They are amazing! They’re…I don’t even know how to describe them. Their voices are heavenly, their accents are awesome, their songs sound amazing, their lyrics are meaningful….not to mention they themselves are pretty awesome people too. But before I get into that, I want to talk more about how I started listening to music.


I think it was about a year ago. That was when I first realized that music (modern music, I mean, like teen pop or rock) actually sounds really catchy. It was at school, maybe, or at some other event. There, I heard a few of Justin Bieber’s songs, and while a lot of people groaned and complained their ears hurt (because they really hated Justin Bieber) and other jumped and squealed in delight (because they LOOOVED him), I thought, hey, it sounds kind of nice, maybe I’ll listen to a few of his songs at home.


So, I searched up his debut single, “Baby”, on YouTube, and I was COMPLETELY SHOCKED. I listened to the music video, searched the lyrics, and realized….OH MY GOSH!!! He sound AMAZING, especially in the music videos, where I could see him, the person. I was completely blown away. The emotions in his voice, his expression while he sang, the amazing lyrics…… I totally feel in love with him right there and then. All I’ve ever heard about him before that was from either my classmates, or from weird magazine articles I saw online. They all painted a picture in my mind of a wanna-be singer who sounds like a girl and can’t sing at all. When I actually listen to him sing…I was shocked. He was nothing like the critics claimed. His voice sounds really young, NOT like a girl. Just young, that’s all. But that’s actually what made it sound so good. The music to the songs and the melody are also really catchy. And his looks…oh my gosh, that boy’s blessed with the handsomest face on the planet (at least, that’s what I thought at that time). As much I tried to stop myself, I suddenly fell in love with him. I realized that I really shouldn’t judge a singer without listening to them first.


However, I didn’t suddenly turn into a music freak either. I just had about two of his songs downloaded onto my computer, that’s all. After a while, I got over him. And then I checked out another popular singer-Taylor Swift. I listened to her most famous song at that time, “You Belong With Me”, and realized that she’s not bad either. I listened to that song a million times, and after I’d gotten over her, I just kind of retreated back into the “I don’t listen to music” state again.


After a while of not listening to music, of not wanting to listen to music, my mom checked out a CD from the library. Justin Bieber’s “My World” album. Guess what happened after that? I got totally addicted to his voice again. I downloaded a lot of his songs onto my computer, and listened to him all day. But I never bothered to research any more about the actual person of Justin Bieber. I just listen to his songs, and liked them a lot, and that’s as far as I went. So, I can’t say I was a devoted fan of him. I just liked his song A LOT that’s all.


Later, when all his songs got boring for me, I kind of stopped listening to music again. I realized music sounds good, but I still couldn’t understand why some girls are totally in love with a singer. I had a little celebrity crush on Justin Bieber, but I got over it really fast. I still didn't understand why some people would bother to find out all they can about a celebrity. It’s so weird. But then….


1D came along. Yup. One Direction. My new obsession. They are the ones that made me suddenly realized exactly how all those millions and millions of fangirls out there feel. I’ll start from the beginning. I first heard about 1D a while ago, before I started listening to Justin Bieber. I didn’t pay much attention to them. I thought they were just this band of some boys that sings. I didn’t think of them as people. I didn’t really think about them at all, cause I don’t know much about them, and neither did I want to. But then…


At my school, our teachers played one of 1D’s songs, their most famous single, “What Makes You Beautiful”. I didn’t know it was One Direction at that time, and I thought, WOW! That song sounds amazing! Really catchy, and the voices sound really good too. So I went home and searched it. And realized…oh. It’s by One Direction. Maybe, like Justin Bieber, they’re not as bad as the critics claim. I got obsessed over that particular song like I did with “Baby” and “You Belong With Me”. Soon, I got over it.


I’m not sure how it started, but I suddenly decided to listen to a few more of their songs. I loved them. I finally became interested in them, more interested than Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift.  I think it’s because of the fact that they looked more….mature than the other singers I’ve lsitened to. I’m not sure what it was, but they just looked different. Mature, more grown up. And also more….real. Less like celebrities, and more like five friends who just happen to look really hot and can sing. Maybe because of the fact that it’s five boys, not one, and so I could see how they interacted with eachother. I could see the playfullness in those eyes and in those music videos. So….I did a little bit of background research.


The more I found out about them, about their histories, the more real and personal they became. The more pictures I saw, I realized more and more just how close the five boys are. Like family. They even said it themselves, they’re close like brothers. I feel like I already know them. And the more I felt like I knew them, the more of a fan I became.


I watched videos of their concerts, and they made my heart melt. No matter how proffesional the music videos look, they’re nothing compared to the concert videos. The concert videos…I don't’ know how to describe them. I guess they just look really normal during their concerts, less…glamourized. They just wore jeans and T-shirts, and their expressions were totally natural. They even change the lyrics sometimes for fun, and it makes all the fans go crazy. I could see that they’re enjoying themselves, and when they sing, the get really close to the edge of the stage and sing to the audience, for the audience. I saw someone write, in an article somewhere about 1D, “With normals bands, you have to keep the audience off the stage. With One Direction, you have to keep them on the stage!” So true!


So now, I am totally in love with them…well, no, not in love. Love is a big word, and I’ve never met them. It’s more like a crush…wait, no, that’s not it either. That’s too shallow and girly. I like their songs a lot. I like them as people a lot too. But I’m not “in love” with them, nor do I have “a crush” on them. As much as I like them as people and as celebrities, I would definitely NOT say yes if one of them asked to go out with me or marry me or whatever. I’m….interested in them. I want to get to know them. But it’s not love, or a crush, or whatever simple romantic stuff like that. I like them as people, and I want to get to know them more. I admire them, that’s all. If I ever get the chance to become friends with them (which I won’t), I’ll definitely do it. But romance? No. Seriously, I don’t even know them.


The dissapointing thing is, they don’t even know I exist, and even if I meet them, I’ll just be another fangirl. However, I’ve already gotten over that. I know that even though they’ve never met me, and don’t even know I exist, they still love me. I know they still care for me. They care for all their fans. From their interviews, videos, and twitter posts, I can tell that 1D really do care for their fans, and they truly are really grateful and thankful to them for making everything possible for them. Unlike other celebrities, I feel happy being a fan of 1D, because I know that I’m imporatant to them. I don’t feel that with most other singers.


My conclusion is, I’m perfectly content to watch and listen to them from afar, and to spread my love of their music to other people. I understand some people don’t like their kind of music, but those people shouldn’t say they (1D) are horrible people, or say they can’t sing, or say they’re just five wanna-be boys who knows nothing. They (those critical peopel) can say 1D’s music isn’t their type, so they don’t want to listen to it, but they shouldn’t say 1D’s music is trash. That’s insulting to 1D fans and the One Direction boys themselves. I totally understand if some people don’t like 1D, I just hope they understand others do.


I’m also annoyed at really crazy fangirls that wish they can marry Harry (that’s a member in One Direction) or kiss any of them. Sure, I’d rather deal with crazy fangirls than unreasonable critics, but it gets on my nerves, because their actions are all really stupid (I’m not saying they’re stupid people, just that their actions are stupid). They don’t even know Harry, never had a real conversation with him, how can they want to be his (make a face right here) wife?


So, in conclusion, I just want to say I really like One Direction, and I hope you will too, but I’ll understand if you don’t. Also, I realized that people shouldn’t judge something before tasting, seeing, feeling, reading, listening, or in some way experiencing it. I still do that, and I’m trying to do it less and less. Alright, that’s all I’ve got to say for today. Goodbye! Adios! Go listen to One Direction!




—Susan xx




PS-Their new single, “Best Song Ever”, might not nessecarily be the best ever (don’t let hardcore Directioners hear me say that), but it’s really good!




阿朵 (2013-08-27 04:53:20)



周小哭 (2013-08-27 05:27:26)


告心桥 :俺一直在打照Susan朴实厚道的小作家形象呢,目前先不传她的美女照:)等到这个系列结束时再说。


天地一弘 (2013-08-27 05:37:05)


周小哭 (2013-08-27 05:43:02)


雨林 (2013-08-29 01:23:53)

哈哈, Susan妈妈,我真是为你的女儿感到骄傲啊。其实我也知道你已经在用一种很好的方式在扶植和保护她的素质和才华呢。

周小哭 (2013-08-29 01:37:18)

理解万岁!她以前总是说我不象人家美国妈妈,张嘴闭嘴都是GOOD JOB。可是现在她说她更喜欢听到我评价她,因为她知道,妈妈如果表扬了,那就是真的做好了,妈妈会给她一个最真实的评价:)