



By Susan












严格来说,你实际上不能管它叫宠物游戏,因为你除了把它们挪来挪去外根本没有和你的宠物一起做什么事儿。这些“宠物”就代表收集的东西(译者注:这句实在译不下去了,只好请教Susan。她说是没写对,写成这句就行了。The “Pets” represent objects in collections.)。游戏是这样玩的。很简单,每个月,在游戏的领养中心发布一些窝新宠物。通常你可以在一窝里领养512个,这取决于网站工作人员对这窝有什么规定。一个月通常会有两窝小马、两窝小狗、一窝小猫、一窝小鼠、一窝猫头鹰或者鸡或者什么从蛋里孵出来的动物、一窝蝴蝶狼(他们看起来象是长着蝴蝶翅膀的狼)、一窝杂交二代宠物(就是用两种宠物杂交出来的特殊的宠物,它们有更多的变种),还有一个蜘蛛。但是最近,他们停止发布蜘蛛了……我不知道为什么。


















通常,你每个月得到的宠物都是一般的宠物,里头也有可能带有一或二个不一般的。赠品和活动宠物通常都是不一般的,其中会有稀缺宠物。有时,在每个月发布的宠物窝里会隐藏着稀缺宠物,总是有几个非常幸运的人会获得!甚至会有获得两个稀缺宠物的人,他们真是太幸运了! 可以通过交换得到稀缺宠物,就像:我给你一个你没有的、但是我有不只一个的;然后你给我一个我没有的、而你有不只一个的。那样就是双赢。我喜欢交换,但是刚开始很难,因为我没有多少值得交换的宠物去交换。现在我已经用了一年半的时间来玩这个游戏了,我是个即忠诚又本分的玩家。我已经拥有了15个可以用来交换的稀缺动物和上百个其它的宠物,其中很多都很特别。我是个很本分的玩家,从来没有被封杀过。经过辛苦的努力,我已经把自己从最低的“新兵”级升到了“常规玩家”级。再有五年的话,我第一年开始玩的时候的宠物将会变成稀缺宠物,那时我就会从一个“常规玩家”级升到“老前辈”级了!确切地说,如果我能坚持玩那么久的话。
































Chicken Smoothie


So, the other day, I was talking about the two things that is the most fun for me on the internet. I’ve mentioned YouTube (well, more than mentioned, I wrote a whole 1537 words about it), and today, I’ll introduce you to my second favorite thing to do while online… pet games!!


Yeah, I know, weird, right? Out of everything that’s out there, games is probably among a teenager’s top choices. But specifically pet games? Not so much… and this gets even weirder, believe me. My favorite game is this pet-adoption/hoarding/collecting/organizing game called Chiken Smoothie.


Okay, no worries, it has nothing to do with chickens being made into a smoothie, I promise (though recently, it’s starting to have something to do with chickens). I think the weird name is to just attract attention. It sure attracted my attention! Now that I’ve played this game for a year and a half, I can’t imagine the site with any other name. I can’t explain it, but the name Chicken Smoothie fits it somehow, there’s not other words that can define what the game is like. Or maybe it’s not the name that defines the site, it’s the site that defines the name. The name “Chicken Smoothie” is so unique and special that when people hear it, they struggle to find a meaning for it. Then, they see the rest of the website, and their brians automatically defines the word as the site, so whenever they hear it again, their brians immediately jump to the jaunty green pet adoption game.


Enough about the name, let’s get to the really good stuff. What is the game like? Well, Chicken Smoothie is unlike any other game I have ever played. It has to be really special, for me to be able to stick with playing the game for a year and a half without ever getting bored by it. I’m sure I’ll keep on playing it until it shuts down, age won’t matter, because there are a lot of moms that play the game as well as kids. Dads… not so common.


Chicken Smoothie is… argh, it’s so hard to describe it! It’s not a virtual world game, where you creat an account and do stuff with your pet/s and play games with them. It’s not the type of game where you take care of your pet. In fact, you don’t take care of them at all. It’s also not the type of game where it’s actually a game, like angry birds or temple run. It’s not one of those short-termed games. But it’s not your typical long termed virtual world games either. It’s a type unto itself. The best category for it to be in is collection games, if those exist other than CS (Chicken Smoothie).


Technically, you can’t really call it a pet game, since you don’t do anything with your pets other than move them around. The “pets” are like representations of what it actually is-collections. So, here’s how the game works. It’s simple. Every month, new pet litters are released in the adoption section of the “game”. You can adopt usually up to 5 or up to 12 from each litter, depends on what the staff of the site decides for that specific litter. There are usually 2 litters of ponies each month, 2 litters of puppies, 1 litter of kitten, 1 litter of mouse, 1 litter of owl/ chicken/ something in an egg, 1 litter of butterfly wolf (they look like wolves with butterfly wings, really really pretty), 1 litter of 2nd generation pets (those are breed from two pets, and are special because they have more variety), and 1 spider. But lately, they’ve stopped releasing spiders… I wonder why.


So, you can adopt from zero to 5-12 from each litter of pet. Each litter look different from the other types, for example, the first litter of puppy would look different from the second. When you adopt, let’s say, eight puppies from the first litter and eight from the second, you would get eight identical puppies of the first litter and eight identical puppies of the second. Oh, and by the way, the pets don’t move, they’re like pictures, drawings. Very cute and well-drawn drawings.


It’s good to get the most amount of pets you can out of each litter, because when they grow up, pets that breed from the same litter (that look the exact same when they were babies) can grow into 2-5 different looks. Usually, pets from the same litter share a similarity, like patterns, or coloring, or number and positions of tail/s…etc. So, if you get only one pet from each litter, the most variety of each litter you can have if one. If you get eight, there’s a real likely chance you’ll get all the varieties. Which is good, because…


Because once a pet has been released for that month, it’s never coming back. You have the chance to adopt the pets any time that month, but once a new month starts, the pets for adoption from the old month is gone from the adoption page, never ever ever to come back. So, you have only thirty days to get them. Once they’re adopted into your account, though, you can keep them forever and ever and ever. They grow to an adult in usually one month’s time. And, like I said before, they don’t move around or anything, they’re just cute drawings that changes every week or so until they change into an adult version of themselves. But it’s very addicting, because I’m the kind of people that likes to collect things, and this whole game is about collecting pets. Adopting as many as I can, check on them once in a few days, and then adopt more when the next month starts. Addicting.


What’s also addicting is organizing them. Since there are six different species of pets released each month, sometimes two litter in a specie, and new pets coming in every month, most people would feel the need to organize them. Like me. It’s easy, I can just click the ‘creat new group’ button, creat a new group, name it, and then move the pets I want into it. You can adopt pets into specific groups so you don’t have to always move them from the ‘pets without a group’ group. Different people organize pets differently, some by species, some by seasons or years, some by colors, some by rarety (that’s how rare a pet is, from very common to OMG SO RARE. It depends on how hard the pet is to get and how many of them are out there that people have adopted. Like I said earlier, if you adopt more pets from a litter, it’ll be more likely for you to get a variety that’s rare)…


It’s be easy to organize them at first, when you’re first starting to play. For the first few month I started playing, I had less than two hundred pets. Easy to organize. But then, as my pets built up, I realized I have to start thinking for the future, and expand my groups to include more pets. There’s no limit on your groups, but if you organize your pets by colors and out of two hundred pets that are either green, yellow, or red, there’s one blue pet…it would be weird to create a new group just for one pet. So, as I kept on playing the game, I have to keep revising how I manage my groups. Until the past three months, where I haven’t have to change a thing. Must be because I finally got the hang of it!


The longer you’ve been playing the game (I’m not talking about hours, I’m talking months and years), the more you don’t want to leave. And it’s not really that hard or time-wasting to play. For me, I just check it every day just because I have time, but I usually only spend about a few minutes on it, to check for announcements. Once a week, I check every single one of my twenty or so pet groups to see if I have any rare pets that need to be upgraded to the rare group. And when the babies grow out of their nurseries, I move them to the big groups. Of course, there are always doubles, which I move to the trades group. Routine stuff.


What’s not routine and make the game exciting… EVENTS!! Yay! CS host summer events and easter events, sometimes christmas or valentines day or halloween events too (they announce them on their home page). You find stuff around the different pages of the game site and then click them to earn tokens, and you earn prizes when you find a certain amount of things. Prizes like really special animals… like bunnies for Easter. You don’t get bunnies any other time during the year. Or like bats for Halloween. Or… a tree for Christmas! Yup! A tree! So cool!


Other than events, there are also holiday givaways CS does on every holiday I know. They give away free pets that are different from the normal CS pets every month. Special. Like the butterfly wolfs may not have wings and look like a chinese dragon (for Chinese New Year). I really like those, not just because they’re giving those away for free, but because it’s different from the routine pets, and because…well, it’s just different from routine stuff! Holidays are one of my favorite times in CS.


Usually, pets you get each month are common pets, with one or two uncommon thrown in. And the givaways and event pets are usually uncommon, with a few rares thrown in. Sometimes, there are rares hidden out there in those monthly pet litters, and some few lucky people gets to have a rare! Some really lucky ones get two! They can be obtained through trading pets, like: I’ll give you a pet that you don’t have and that I have more than one of, and you give me one I don’t have and that you have more than one of. That way, it’s win-win. I like trading, but at first, it’s hard, because I don’t have much valueble pets to trade with. But after a year and a half of playing the game honestly and fairly, I’ve obtianed 15 rares to trade with, and hundreds of other pets, many of them special. I play nice and fair, so I didn’t get banned, and after all that hard work, I’ve finally pulled myself up from the ranks of a “newbie” to a regular player. After five more years, most of the pets from the first year I started playing would’ve turned into rares, and I’ll be more than a regular player, I’ll be an “old-timer”! That is to say, if I last that long.


If I don’t quit along the way, or if the site doesn’t shut down, I’ll be really respected at the game in five year’s time. I’ll know lots of people in the forums (which I will be able to post in after one more week), and I’ll have a lot of good pets. I don’t think I’ll quit. There are people that do, but I hope I won’t be one of them. I like it when old-timers quit (I’m not being mean, it’s their own choice to quit), because then they give away their pets, usually for free, and they have a LOT of rare pets! And there are these really nice people that give away their pet doubles (because doubles aren’t worth anything) to newbies. I met a few of them, they helped me a lot.


I’m really surprised by how much I’ve grown and gotten better at this game. Before, it was always like I was somehow beneath everyone else, since I don’t have much valuble pets, but now, I’m on the same level as them! It’s so strange, looking at all the players square in the eye (well, not really, because I can’t see them). I can’t wait for next week, my birthday, when I’ll be able to post in the forums, because I’ll be thirteen then. Then I’ll be able to make more friends!


I just love this game so much. It’s not really exciting in the sense of you’re gripping the mouse and watching out for bullets. But it’s really sweet and heartwarming, and addicting too. If someone forces me to stop this game forever, I don’t think I can (well, on pain of death…maybe yes. But I won’t like it). I can stop for short periods of time, but quitting? No! I’m only getting to the good part! I really like collecting, organizing, and trading my pets. When I’m thirteen, I’ll be able to post drawing in the forums too, and trade for pets with those.


Awesome, right? A lot of people wouldn’t think so, but those of us in the Chicken Smoothie community do! Alright, now that you’ve read this, create your own CS account! It’s free, after all, and don’t take much time to make or to play. And I’ll even give you some of my pets. That is, if you can find me. I’m serious, create an account, you can always quit if you don’t like it. ;)


刘瑛依旧 (2013-09-14 20:15:47)


周小哭 (2013-09-15 00:21:51)
