



Susan 小哭译
































是的 ,分解不是真正地死去,我明白,我同意。然而,那也不意味着分解人不应该为被分解感到害怕!他们害怕的原因很简单:和我们害怕死亡的原因是一样的。我确信几乎没有人是因为他们的身体将要停止工作而害怕死亡,事实上多数人害怕的是接下来发生的事情:精神的死亡。或者说,他们害怕被逼到精神里面,不能控制身体。他们要么害怕失去他们的精神(确实地),要么害怕被困于其中,要么害怕未知的一切。几乎没有人真的害怕肉体上的死亡。至少,我不怕。




































我在网上搜过多次,都没见到过中文的内容。不想今天竟然搜到了如下发表于 2010-5-12 09:49的繁体中文内容(一个大概是盗版书的下载网站),于是我马上跟风修正了我翻译的书名,觉得人家起的名才是恰到好处。我把字体变成简体的了,列在下面:


















Recently, I just read the book ‘Unwind’, and I absolutely loved it! I think maybe, just maybe, it’ll be my new favorite book… or new favorite series, since it’s more than one book. Unwind… like all of the books that I like, I can’t describe it, don’t want to describe it, because whatever I write will hardly do it justice… remember when I use to say that my favorite author is Neal Shusterman, but none of his books are on my favorites list? Well, that just changed. Unwind is definitely up there, maybe even on the very top. It was absolutely phenomenal.


One of my favorite things was how Shusterman kept the pace of the book to be fast and action-packed, and also managed to make it one of those books that make you think a lot, about humanity and life and all that deep stuff. Usually, books that make me think like that are with few dialogue, or kind of boring, or not very fast paced; and books that are full of action and keep my eyes glued onto the page aren’t the best thought provokers. The Unwind Dystology (I haven’t finished it yet, though, I’ve only just finished the second book) did both, and also had fully developed characters and a plot that has just the right amount of twist and turns to keep my attention and not confuse me. It’s the perfect balance of all I want in a book, and the best balance so far.


(Note: I’m not saying this books is replacing Eona as my favorite. I can’t really compare this to Eona, because Eona is a completely different genre than this, so they’re both my top favorite books. Eona had a plot focused on magic and dragons and fighting a bloody war and an intense love triangle, and was set in a place with kings and princes and Lords and Ladies; while Unwind was all about science and technology and runaway kids and the humanity of humans, and was set in the modern day America. They can’t possibly be more different from eachother.)


Not only was the story in the book brilliant, the way the author wrote it, and the voice in which he chose to write it in, was even better. I think a book is only a third about the story and two-thirds about how the author tells the story. Tolkein, for example, wrote an amazing story in Lord of the Rings, yet his boring and super-long writing style covers up the exciting story in sluggish, boring words. That’s why most people watch the movies instead of reading the books. Well, I absolutely love Shusterman’s writing style (I’ve already talked about that earlier, in my writing titled Neal Shusterman), and the story, the plot, the characters…they were amazing too!


I don’t really want to give you too much about the actual plot of the book/s, since it’ll take way too long. I’ll just write the basics, that’s all I need to explain my thoughts. Let’s start with the title, Unwind. Unwind has two meanings that are specific to the book:


Unwind-Neal Shusterman Version [uhn-whine-d]


Verb. The act of surgically dissecting a teenager between the ages of thirteen to seventeen/eighteen and donating the body parts to those that need them. By law, 99.44 percent of all unwound teens have to be used, allowing the disposal of that 0.66 percent that might be rotten or somehow unusable. The unwinding process begins when a parent signs the unwinding order (wich is now a subsitute for abortion) to get rid of their child, may or may not tell the child about it, and within weeks or months, the child will be taken to a harvest camp and then dissected. The process is physically painless, though the emotional terror cannot be measured. People hold firm in the belief that teens that are unwound are not really dead, just living in the divided state, and therefore is now an alternative for abortion (which is illegal). A child is safe from conception to age thirteen, then safe again once they pass the age of seventeen (it use to be eighteen). The unwinding process helps those that are in need of new lungs, heart, brain cells that specializes in certain subjects, arms, legs, or any body part that they can afford, and help parent get rid of unwanted children without actually ‘killing’ them.


Noun. A person about to be unwound, or know for certain that they are about to be unwound. Once an unwinding order is signed, it can not be taken back, the the child in question is therefore labled an Unwind until the day he/she is unwound. Unwinds are treated as a negative influence in their community, and are different from Tithes. Tithes come from religious families, and they are born to be unwind. Tithes are seen as sacrifices to God, and usually accept, even welcome, their own unwinding day. They are treated with the utmost respect.




Ugh! Disgusting, right? I mean, taking apart a kid in place of abortion, and it’s justified because they’re not really dead? How horrifying! That’s just plain wrong! Sure, they’re not really dead, every part of them (well, 99.44 percent, actually) lives on, but it’s just not the same! There are a bunch of things wrong with unwinding, and the main characters in the book realized that, yet I’m surprised they weren’t able to put them into words. They were challenged by the belief that unwinding is right, and the challenger makes it sound as if it is right, and while the main character knows it’s wrong, they were unable to put their thoughts into words, which was really stupid, because that just makes them look stupid. However, I don’t find putting my thoughts into cool, logical words hard.


#1: Unwound teens aren’t really dead, just living in the divided state, so there really is no reason to be scared of unwinding. C’mon, you’re not really going to be dead, all of your parts will live, so what’s so bad with living in the divided state? You should be excited for this new adventure! And you would be helping others with your body parts! Isn’t it better to be partly useful than completely useless?


I have no idea why this question stumps so many people. The doctors make it sound as if being unwound isn’t bad at all, that it’s actually a good thing. The statement is almost credible, since it’s mostly truth, just mixed with a few important lies. What the doctors really can’t understand is why Unwinds dislike unwinding. Well, that’s pretty obvious. I’m surprise nobody in the book actually said this, that they actually got confused by the doctor’s statement.


Yes, Unwinds aren’t really dead, I understand, I agree. However, that doesn’t mean Unwinds shouldn’t be scared of being unwound! The reason that they’re scared is simple: the the same reasons that we’re scared by death. I’m sure few people are scared of death because their bodies will cease function, most are scared by what follows: the death of the mind. Or, they’re scare of being trapped in their minds, unable to control their bodies. Either they’re scared of losing their mind (literally), or they’re scared of getting trapped in them, or they’re scared of the unknown. Few people are actually scared of physically dying. At least, I’m not.


So, saying that Unwinds aren’t physically dying is true, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be scared. They have every reasons to be. That doesn’t mean they should welcome their unwinding. For an Unwind, being unwound isn’t about being separated into pieces that are still alive after being separated. It’s about what follows: the separation of their brain. The loss of their minds. Being unwound is like dying in a way. The Unwind’s mind dies. They cease to be able to think. They loose their grips on reality. They no longer have a body to control. And, even though the body might be alive, the actual person, the mind of that person, is about as good as dead, because it wouldn’t be able to think and form coherant thoughts anymore(pretty hard to do that when your brain’s separated into a dozen pieces). They wouldn’t be able to be anymore. Though the body is alive, the mind, the personality, the conciousness of the kid that is being unwind cease to exist. So… yeah, being unwound is pretty bad. For the mind of the person that is being unwound, ‘living’ in the divided state is about as good as dead.


Another thing about that above statement is the next part: “living in the divided state”. As I have so clearly spelled out for everyone earlier, being unwound isn’t really living. You don’t get to think. You don’t get control your body. Your whole existence cease to matter. That’s the second thing Unwinds are scared of, that doctors don’t seem to understand. Sure, they’re physically alive, but what about their minds, their persons? They cease to matter anymore to the world. All that matters about them is how healthy their body parts are. Nobody cares about their minds anymore, nobody cares about them, period. It’s really sad. Imagine, finding out that your parents don’t want you anymore, that you’re a failure, that you’re useless. Finding out that the only way you can matter in the world is to be chopped into pieces and sold. Finding out that hardly anyone cares about you, that all they care about is your body parts and the money it’s going to give to the hospitals. That’s got to be a traumatic experience.


“It’s better to be partly useful than completely useless.” True, but that doesn’t apply to Unwinds. Unwinds are useful when they’re not in pieces. They’re people too, just like everyone else! Just because their parents don’t want them doesn’t make them somehow sub-human. Just because they’re going through a hard time and appears to be hard to take care of doesn’t mean that they’re useless. That doesn’t mean they should be unwound. Just because a person’s parents signed the unwinding order doesn’t suddenly make that person stop being a person and start being “just another Unwind, just another unwanted, unuseful pile of body parts”.


So, overall, there is every reason to be scared or afraid or angry about being unwind. I can’t understand why people in the book can’t understand that (the pro-unwinding people, of course)! They talk about unwinding as if Unwinds should be glad about it, as if it’s just another way of living, but it’s not! It’s as good as death, for the kids that are going to be unwound! Every time I read about one of those advertisements about how wonderful unwinding would be for your troubled teen, I feel like smashing those pretty faces of the hateful Proactive Citizenry (the people in charge of, those that invented, and are currently enforcing unwinding).


Something else I’m really ticked off about: #2: Unwinding is a way better alternative for abortion. With abortion, you’re killing innocent babies, while with unwinding, the Unwind isn’t really dead, and the body parts can help others.


First of all, I’ve already settled the issue of whether and unwound person is dead or alive. They’re dead, even though their body parts are all functioning. So, what are the pros of unwinding compared to abortion? With both of them, the person in question cease to exist. Both are done against the person’s consent (they are both orders by the parents). A pro of Unwinding is that the body parts can be used to help other people. However, there’s a HUGE ‘con’… with abortion, the baby has no idea what is about to happen. The baby can barely think, they can’t form coherant thoughts yet. So, killing them is just killing a bunch of cells. Their brains aren’t developed enough to form individual personalities that are able to be called ‘people’. With unwinding… the person that is about to be unwound can think. They can form coherant thoughts. They have fully developed personalities. They have a life. They can interact with others, express their thoughts, unlike a baby, who doesn’t even have much thoughts other than basic instinct of survival. With an Unwind teen, the teen knows what is about to happen to them. They know that they will cease to exist soon. So, isn’t it way better to kill them while they’re babies, when they don’t even count as people yet, than to destroy their life and existence when they’re old and have a life (with friends and memories and experiences) just like you and I?


Unwinding vs. abortion reminds me of a chilling but true (in my opinion) metaphor: With abortion, you’re killing babies, who don’t have any personalities or life. Babies that are only a few months old, not even born yet, are like a completely different species than us, than grown-up humans that can think properly. Killing a baby that’s not even born yet is like killing an animal. It doesn’t count as murder, not in my opinion. Of course, it’s still pretty bad, and it’s best if we don’t do it, but if it’s nessaccery, if the mother want to do abortion, then I think it’s fine. It’s like killing another, more inferior, species of animal. Unwinding, however, is like killing our own species, because by the time the child is old enough to unwind (ages thirteen to seventeen), they are old enough to understand everything, and are considered the same species as adults, as the people that actually does the unwinding. So, Unwinding is like killing someone of the same species, another fellow human (yes, I call it killing, because unwinding destroys a person’s life and snuffs them out of existence). If you think about it that way, unwinding is waaaay more wrong than abortion.


Something else I’ve thought about is the character of Cam. Cam is an experiment, a person made entirely of unwound body parts. Dozens of them, taken from the best of the best. The legs of a runner, the heart of an olympic swimmer, different brain pieces all filled with information, filled with dozens of languages…. Cam is entire made of the body parts of unwound kids. So, is Cam a person? I consider him to be a person. I mean, he has a completely different personality than the kids that made up his body. He has his own thoughts, his own feelings, that have no connections to the unwound kids. He is an individual. Just because he’s physically made up of different kids does not make him a hundred different persons. I mean, he narrated his own chapters in the second book of the Unwind Dystology, and in my opinion, anyone that have coherant enough thoughts to narrate his own story can be called a person. (And I don’t think he’s “wrong”. There’s nothing wrong about him. It’s not his fault all the kids were unwound.)


One thing I haven’t quite figured out yet is whether somehow who is strongly against unwinding should take unwound kid’s body parts. There was a few instances in the story where a strong believer of anti-unwinding is near the brink of death, and they would be guranteed to survive if they switch their bad body part for a good one. Example: the Admiral (head of a refugee camp for runaway Unwinds) is having a heart attack. Guranteed way to save him: switch his heart with a new, healthy one. A heart that came from an kid that was unwound. Should the Admiral take it? I think, in the book, he didn’t take it, and he pulled through, but was really weak. Another person refused to take an spine that came from an Unwind, and was handicapped from the waist down. Were they brave and courageous, or were they stupid and stubborn?


I think, this is just my opinion, that if that person is going to die, then their friends should allow them to have a body part transplant, even if it does go against their cause. Because, c’mon, that kid was already unwound, and the person in question was about to die! But other than near-death situations, taking body parts that came from an Unwind is a no-no.


Most of the questions and arguments in the book are easy to answer, other than the last one, and this one: would you rather die or be unwound? Hm… that’s a hard one. Would I rather die, or be unwound? Well, my mind is going to cease to exist either way. And without my mind and my conciousness, whether my body parts are alive doesn’t really matter. I think I would rather die in support of my anti-unwinding cause than be caught and unwound, and give the authorities the satisfaction of catching another runaway Unwind (this is if I was a runaway unwind that has to make the decision to either die or get caught and unwound). Sure, being unwound would help other that need my body part and would be relatively painless, but it would mean giving up and giving in to those that support unwinding, and I’m never going to do that! So, yes, I would rather die than be unwound. However, I might be sure of my answers now, but when I’m standing at gunpoint and being forced to make the same decision… I might not be so sure then, because being unwound means that there would be a few hours until I loose my conciousness, and I might be able to fight my way out in those few hours… so, it’s a really hard decision. Right now, I would say die, but later….




That’s about all I have for the Unwind Dystology! I didn’t talk about the plot too much, and I don’t want to, because I would only disgrace the book. I know that whomever reads this wouldn’t have time to read Unwind anyway, but I hope they would understand that it’s a great book! I can’t wait to read the rest of the series that’s coming out this fall and next summer!