时间管理, 附带鸡毛秀辱华事件…小组的第三次讨论

第二次讨论wish list时家长们一直认为时间管理,包括学习技巧,应该单独做一论题。在孩子家长分开讨论之前我们跟孩子们强调分享学习和时间管理技巧不是互相竞争,要如实分享给大家。



长小心翼翼地一问啥时能睡觉,孩子说"almost, 就快了。"但一等就一俩小时过去了。在座父母们大多有同感,不知这神秘的"almost"在孩子心里到底有多长。

针对这一困惑,我们从孩子们那里了解到很多。他们说"almost done"这种本能的说法 instinct)取决于总工作量,例如六个小时的作业和读书,完成了五小时就是"almost done"

解决办法:1). 孩子们同意回答家长时要尽量具体。

2). 闹钟, 11点睡觉。但在座家庭没有如此做的,问孩子们,他们也不同意。
闹钟每30钟响一次:有孩子试过好像无效,当然这是small sample.




孩子和家长都提到Social media such as Facebook, YouTube, 电脑的影响。





们的解决办法是与其用个时间表,还不如排出轻重缓急 arrange priorities)。家长建议孩子们减少活动,没想到却被孩子们强烈反对。原本很多人认为是家长让孩子们十项全能,这里的孩子们却不希望家长因为他们睡觉时间少就减少课外活动,有的认为参与活动多为下一年做好准备。

问到孩子们为何做那么多事,又同时选择难度很大的课,他们觉得是同学压力 (peer pressure), 认为有的同学极为聪明又极为努力,有的背书到深夜。讨论到此很热烈,家长孩子敞开心扉,孩子们最终理解我们大人的希望是先保证睡眠,身体是本钱。

最有意思的是一个善于辩论的孩子用流利的中文反问家长,"你们中学时怎么学的。如果你们爱做的事(passion) 跟其他活动或家长期望有冲突,你们怎么办?"孩子甚至说,"有生命,但没了passion有何意义?"Passion 是生命的意义,家长需要给孩子时间和空间去成长".



不学习,不完成作业,对于作业无大所谓,没有动力,恶性循环。在学校忘记calendar, 回来忘记作业。成绩上上下下。家长们猜测青春期孩子荷尔蒙变化大,情绪化,极为敏感,也使成绩易波动。家长的问题是孩子是有能力取得更好成绩的,因为成绩可以从CA动足见孩子有能力。问题是有能力、少动力怎么办?

长也谈到兄弟姐妹间差异容易给孩子带来压力(去年我们讨论过sibling rivalry)。 如果家里的一个孩子太过优秀,对另一个本身就是每日存在的压力,有类似经验的家长的真挚分享,让在座只有独生子女的家长再次意识到每个孩子都是独立个体, 不能强求,该减压,换课的就应该尽快,以免对孩子自信心有影响。




孩子和家长的共识是家长多鼓励, 识到青春期的特殊性,建立和谐的家庭关系。

问题: 鸡毛秀辱华事件

孩子们看了最近在华人中引起愤怒示威的Jimmy Kimmel 节目片段,里面有一六岁孩子,在被问到如何解决美国欠中国债务时,说出”把中国人杀光”的字眼,主持人非但没反驳,竟问四个孩子,"我们应该让中国人活下来吗?"

们的孩子一起看了录像片段,有的觉得只是小孩玩笑,有的觉得太荒唐,孩子们一致认为Kimmel的问题是错的。学生队长最后精辟地指出这就是美国社会和媒体诱导的结果,致使六岁孩子能说出这种话时间关系,家长们没有参与讨论些完全是孩子没有”稿件”(unscripted) 没被"诱导"的回答。次事件突教育孩子关心社会和事的重要性, 也以后应单目,展开讨论



Growing up Together Discussion No. 3

11/2/2013 Topic: Time Management 

Captain: AJ

Deputy: CT

Recording Secretary: AJ II


What Kids Actually Do

What Do You Do When You Get Home From School?


Three people start homework within 30 minutes; four People believe they have efficient homework times. Kids then rated themselves on the % of inefficiency.


MC (9th): Eat snack, Do Homework/read a book when bored until 5, Practice Piano 45 minutes

EW (10th): Get home late, procrastinate for an hour. Eat, Facebook, etc. Finally start homework, finish at 12.

CT (10th): Usually soccer, finish homework in school, Facebook and YouTube after school or hang out

J (5th grade): Homework in school, Chinese homework at home on Fridays, robotics, etc. YouTube frequently

S: (3rd grade) Do homework for twenty minutes, Chinese homework, dinner, soccer

AJ1 (10th) Snack, Start homework at 3:30, first do easy homework, (math and US history) until dinner, then study after dinner. Plays on the computer and YouTube


Sleep Times


M: 9:30 -10:30

RH: 11-11:30

EW: 12-2, 4 for midterms, no sleep at all during finals

CT: Goes to bed at 10-11, falls asleep at 2, text friends between

JZ: 9-10

SZ: 8-8:30

AJ II: 10:30-11

AJ: 11-11:30, when tests, 12-1



Always feel a need to reply to friends,

Always keep the tab open

Check for “schoolwork” distracted every ten minutes


YouTube-random search when bored




No one follows a schedule - Instead of putting down times, puts down the way to do it. For example, doesn’t set specific time slot for homework, but puts down how to do the homework.

Needs Facebook, learn to be responsible to only open when needed

Unfair to keep Facebook closed because need to copy homework from others

Closed tabs don’t work, just re-open

We shouldn’t still stay in front of the computer when doing homework that doesn’t require the computer, too much temptation.

Work on Skype with friends to stay focused.

For this group, it is the reverse of the norm- kids push themselves more than their parents

Everything’s important, but health is priority

If we just take away some activities, people could sleep more.

EW feels that lots of activities helps for our capacity level


If parents were in our shoes, they would still value sleep over anything

Back to their time, they didn’t have that many choices, so at that time, so they would always be motivated

Pre-prepares all questions…reads textbook with knowledge of what will be on the test

Will apply to later in our lives

Worry about worrying: does not improve efficiency,

Grade fluctuation: project great, test taking/quiz

Stress before a test, lazy after a test to release the pressure

Kid: Emotional ups and down: encouragement by saying "you can do it," then I feel I can do it.

Teachers matter a lot, if less interested in a subject, less motivated

Teachers are good, even if the subject is less interesting, you are still motivated.

Teachers can go off the book, but you still need to pay attention because teachers can put on quizzes.

Teaching style: ask upper classmen the styles of teachers

Kids then asked what parents did, and when faced with a dilemma, what to do.

Individual case: do well in 2-3 subjects vs mediocre in 4-5 subject

Parents: academics are not in conflict with passion. We want to develop well rounded kids.

Study group to help focus: similar minded kids

Groups: if friends are studious, helps, otherwise distraction


Second topic: Jimmy Kimmel show (where a 6 yr old said, “Kill everyone in China”)

Some thought kids are just kids, no big deal, people make mistakes, didn’t have bad intentions;

Others thought it was ridiculous; don’t know what they’re talking about

All realized that the question “Should we allow the Chinese to live” is wrong, 

Kids don’t represent all of America

AJ emphasized that it shows what the society and media have been feeding the kids.

海云 (2013-11-07 10:58:48)

谢谢春燕。good job!