

欢迎我来新部门上班的是一个很特别的email,在我应该开始新工作的前两天,收到了一个DRB送的emailEmail是这样开始的,“百草,你好!欢迎你加入我们的部门!DRBDonut Review Board – 甜点监督协会)发现你已经违反我们甜点条例的第6条,务请在一周内给大家带来甜点。DRB的敦促是没商量地,你可以认为这是最终警告。”






1.    生日

2.     工作周年日

3.     怀孕你要做父母了、做祖父母了、做太祖父母了、做姑姑、姨、伯母、舅舅、叔叔、伯父,总之是你的什么家人要添丁进口了

4.     新父母

5.     新祖父母、太祖父母、太太祖父母,以此类推

6.     部门的新人(俺是犯了这条哈

7.     离开部门(除非你是被炒鱿鱼被人押出去的)

8.     你做了什么并影响了工作(已经被人察觉的那种)

9.     订婚

10.  结婚

11.  就因为你高兴,而且你知道你高兴

12.  卖了房子

13.  买了房子

14.  装修了房子

15.  给房子重新贷款

16.  搬到新公寓了

17.  搬到老人院了

18.  搬回父母家了

19.  父母搬到你家了

20.  孩子搬走了

21.  孩子又搬回来了

22.  入美国籍了

23.  坐上了公司的专机

24.  吹牛要坐公司的专机

25.  卖了车辆(包括汽车、船、卡车、度假车、三轮车、自行车、滑板、滑轮车、野营车等等)

26.  反之买了车辆

27.  跟车辆有关的意外,比如车祸、汽车罚单、卡车的挡板掉了等等

28.  受伤无论是意外还是犯傻(你或者别人),给出例子,但请您比照采用,像



29.  新男朋友、新女朋友、新宠物

30.  升职称

31.  降职称

32.  得了公司季度奖

33.  得了学位(博士、硕士、学士)

34.  人事部门找你谈话,甭管啥原因

35.  你或者你的组做了掉价的事,不局限与下面的例子





36.  把饮料洒在椅子或者桌子上

37.  医疗检查,不局限于以下例子:肠透镜、刮掉纹身、鼻窦手术、急诊

38.  忘记带笔记本电脑上班

39.  忘了带手机上班或者回家

40.  你故意不带手机或者电脑上班或者回家

41.  算错夏令时或者冬令时

42.  开车撞了鹿、浣熊、负鼠、松鼠、鸽子、犀牛或者野人

43.  中午溜出去办私事丢了车钥匙,没法回来上班

44.  忘关车灯车没电了

45.  你的形象出现在公司的网、电视上了

46.  你上电视、杂志等公众媒体了

47.  你炫耀你的孩子上电视、杂志等公众媒体

48.  你给大家送了长而无用的email(这句不好翻译)

49.  你不小心把email送给了全部门,而这个email应该给一个小组

50.  你赢了钱,而且价值买甜点的一倍

51.  你无意中把机密email送给了公众(如果因为这个你丢了工作,你可以不带甜点)

52.  你改变了你的发型

53.  你没按时交你的出勤报告

54.  你投机取巧想用一次甜点,包罗你触犯多次甜点条例

55.  没啥原因,我们就是告诉你,应该带甜点了 




Noun donut (dō-nŭt) - A small ring-shaped fried cake. However, at our company this definition has been expanded to include far more variety. Examples include (but are not limited to) donuts, cookies, cakes, brownies, kringle, chicken legs, ice cream, etc. A waist is a terrible thing to mind. Thus, Fruits and Vegetables are only acceptable as long as a less healthy option is also provided or if combined with more traditional treats (i.e. carrot cake, strawberry cheese cake, lemon bars, etc). Treats can be either homemade or store bought as long as they're tasty.

1.    Birthday

2.    Service Anniversary

3.    Pregnancy announcement – you’re going to be a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.

4.    New parent

5.    New grandparent / great-grandparent / great-great-grandparent / etc.

6.    New to the team

7.    Leaving the team (unless you are fired and are walked to the door)

8.    You’ve adversely effected production – and somebody noticed

9.    Engagement


11.Because you’re happy and you know it.

12.Sold house

13.Bought house

14.Remodeled house

15.Refinanced house

16.Moved to new apartment

17.Moved to nursing home

18.Moved back in with your parents

19.Parents moved in with you

20.Children move out

21.Children move back in

22.Gaining American citizenship

23.Riding on the corporate jet

24.Bragging about riding on the corporate jet

25.Sold vehicle (car, boat, truck, RV, cycle, bike, skateboard, scooter, camper)

26.New vehicle

27.Vehicular related incident – accident, ticket, fence falls off the truck, etc.

28.Injury – as a result of accident or stupidity (yours or others). Examples include, but are not limited to:

o   Broke finger doing the laundry

o   Sprained ankle playing soccer

29.New boyfriend, girlfriend, pet



32.You won AOQ

33.You receive an Educational Degree (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral)

34.Called down to HR for any reason

35.You’ve embarrassed yourself or the team – publicly or privately. Examples include, but are not limited to:

o   Fell down the stairs

o   Spilled your beverage or food on the stairs

o   Tripped over chair

o   The SWAT Team was in your yard

36.Spilled a drink at your desk or on your chair.

37.Medical procedure. Examples include, but are not limited to: Colonoscopy, tattoo removal, sinus surgery, any ER visit.

38.Forgot your Laptop at home

39.Forgot to bring Pager / Phone / Blackberry home or to work

40.You intentionally left your Pager / Phone / Blackberry at home or work

41.Calculated daylight savings incorrectly (i.e. Spring back, Fall forward)

42.Hit a deer, raccoon, opossum, squirrel, pigeon, bear, musk ox or sasquatch

43.Lost car keys while out running errand during lunch, getting in the way of timely return to office

44.Have a dead car battery because you left the lights on

45.Having your picture posted on the company’s intranet / extranet / internal tv

46.You appear on TV, in a Magazine or any other type of publication

47.Bragging about your kid(s) appearing on TV, in a Magazine or any other type of publication

48.You've subjected your coworkers to a long frivolous email thread. This is not necessarily the person who started the thread, but those who prolonged it.

49.You've accidentally sent an email intended for a small audience to IS-ALL

50.You won a prize with a value at least double the cost of donuts.

51.You inadvertantly forwarded confidential information when expressly told not to. If this results in your termination you are exempt from bringing in donuts.

52.You've dramatically changed your hair style

53.You failed to submit your weekly timesheet by the prescribed deadline

54.You’ve tried to combine multiple treat offenses into one treat.

      55. Because you are told to.

*All decisions of the DRB (Donut Review Board) are final

雨林 (2014-04-13 15:02:34)



牧童歌谣 (2014-04-13 18:40:47)

哈哈, 太幽默了,百草你这工作找得,有水平啊。 万恶的Dounuts,还被这帮人如此吹捧,让人叹息。

梅子 (2014-04-13 21:55:50)


木桐白云 (2014-04-13 22:44:12)


百草园 (2014-04-13 23:12:26)


百草园 (2014-04-13 23:15:09)


予微 (2014-04-13 23:20:26)


百草园 (2014-04-14 00:35:46)


百草园 (2014-04-14 00:39:41)


百草园 (2014-04-14 00:44:22)



春阳 (2014-04-14 01:55:30)



呢喃 (2014-04-14 05:54:10)


阿朵 (2014-04-14 06:41:47)


百草园 (2014-04-14 11:17:00)


百草园 (2014-04-14 11:19:41)


百草园 (2014-04-14 11:23:37)


海云 (2014-04-14 16:41:00)

我那会儿在硅谷上班,也是部门里每个人负责每周五的早餐,几乎都是甜食,因为到了周末,大家放开肚皮吃着喝着聊着,还没下班就过周末了。呵呵,我也是来美国后,变成了甜牙齿,现在戒甜食也挺痛苦的。Frown 不过,跟老美比,我这甜牙齿比他们还是好多了。

夕林 (2014-04-14 20:36:31)

It is loaded with sugar! 这种甜点,的确在美国很流行。

百草园 (2014-04-14 21:06:46)


若敏 (2014-04-15 01:16:37)


春山如笑 (2014-04-15 04:05:09)

幽默!我原来工作的地方也喜欢买这种食品, 但都是自愿的…… , 呵呵, 比较喜欢上面有巧克力的那种。


渺渺 (2014-04-15 10:13:21)


百草园 (2014-04-15 11:24:50)


百草园 (2014-04-15 11:27:58)


百草园 (2014-04-15 11:30:56)


玮仁 (2014-04-15 18:53:10)


抱峰 (2014-04-15 21:14:49)




百草园 (2014-04-16 00:37:09)


百草园 (2014-04-16 00:39:35)
