第十九讲 躁郁症Bipolar Disorder/双极性情感疾患




我也是听一位海外的男作家讲严歌苓患有两极躁郁症(Bipolar Disorder),后来读到一篇有关她的采访,她也提到她一直不知道自己患有这个毛病,只知道自己有失眠症,受了很多年失眠的折磨。直到来了美国,诊断出有两极躁郁症,吃了药,躁郁症好了,失眠症也随之痊愈了。





我也摘在维基百科:躁郁症(英语:bipolar disorder,亦称双极性情感疾患,早期称为躁狂抑郁疾病),是一种精神疾病,特征为患者会经历情绪的亢奋和抑郁。情绪亢奋期(躁期)可分为“狂躁”或是“轻躁狂”,两者的区别在于是否影响生活及工作和是否出现精神病症状。于狂躁期,患者感到或表现出异常开心、有活力、易怒,常会做出不计后果的决定,对睡眠的需求也往往会减少。于抑郁期,患者会哭泣、缺乏与他人眼神交流、对生命萌生负面看法,也有自杀的可能。病史长达20年以上的患者,其自杀风险超过6%,自残风险则约30-40%。躁郁症也常伴随焦虑症以及药物滥用等心理问题。



不少艺术家都有不算太严重的躁郁症,在一极躁狂的阶段时,是他们创作极为丰盛的时刻,灵感泉涌,精力用不完,有些工作狂也有躁狂症的因子存在。但一旦“激情”爆发过后,人会陷入如无底的深渊,抵达抑郁之另一极。 这种极喜极悲宛如过山车般的情绪心情大跌宕,谁能长久承受得起?!








·         很高兴,表现出不同寻常的甚至是有些愚蠢的举动。

·         脾气暴躁

·         讲话快速,不停地讲

·         失眠或者睡不好,却不觉得疲倦

·         不能集中思想

·         冲动想发生性行为

·         冒险


·         情绪低落伤感

·         身体痛疼,说头疼或者肚子疼

·         睡得少或者睡得多

·         感觉没有意思

·         吃得很少或者吃得很多

·         不感兴趣做任何事情

·         想自杀和死亡


·         酗酒和吸毒或者乱用药物

·         思想不能集中,发展成精神涣散症

·         焦虑症

·         抑郁症




第一,  耐心,别急躁!

第二,  鼓励你的孩子说出来,你要学会做个好的倾听者。

第三,  理解孩子情绪的波动和孩子可能上演的“情绪连续剧”。

第四,  帮助孩子寻找能使他开心的事情。

第五,  鼓励孩子接受治疗。

第六,  最后,在照顾孩子的同时,别忘了照顾好自己! 



百草园 (2015-03-27 17:05:46)


海云 (2015-03-27 17:29:49)


海云 (2015-03-27 17:31:55)


海伦 (2015-03-27 18:53:37)


海云 (2015-03-27 19:15:04)


海云 (2015-03-27 21:33:58)

"To help those children, everyone including children, parents, teachers, relatives and friends should make an effort to LEARN. "  Thank you, Joanna! Yes, lets all learn from this expereince. 

雨林 (2015-03-28 00:51:47)


你提到严歌苓的失眠, 让我想起这里的一个朋友曾经提到的,孩子的bipolor没有被及时诊断的往事。孩子在八年级时,毫无缘故整晚失眠,去看了儿科医生, 只作为失眠症处理, 建议用melatonin (国内翻译成脑白金)而已。可见即使在美国, 也容易被忽视。

你也提到梵高,让我想起一首写给他的歌, 用的是他的画作的名字《Starry Starry night》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkvLq0TYiwI

天下每一个父母,都愿望自己有现世游戏规则里面“正常”的孩子。 可是, 那些现在看上去不合常规的孩子,让懂得他们的父母和人们,对世界有更多深刻的理解从而更加慈祥宽容和谦卑,从这个角度看,他们, 其实是人间更美好的天使啊。

(btw, 第六段的最后一句可能有一个typo)

Joanna (2015-03-28 01:47:51)


You are very welcome! Thank you for sharing your experience!

The reason that I am looking into general Psychology is because humans have a lot of common reactions/behaviours in the face of predicaments. I find it helps to solve the problems in a profound way once we understand why we, our children or others think/act in a certain way.  

Most people, especially parents, focus on fixing/complaining/criticizing their children or others rather than improving themselves. Their arrogrance, over-confidence or extreme stress prevent them from taking extra time to learn.

Once, I talked to the father of an ODD child about those books. He looked at me desperately and said that he does not need books but an Immediate Solution to change his child. Watching his family suffer for years, I understood his longing for a fast FIX. 

From your writing, I can see that your tremendous effort to translate the book enables you to digest the information more throughly than most readers. A lot of parents probably just scan your writings for a solution. A lot of parents just want to gain some understanding and support from friends and society rather than to change/improve themselves. 

I understand that it is very hard for parents to calm down and learn carefully when they are over stressed. But the ultimate solution truly lays in how deep parents digest your infomation and how they reflect when they practice those solutions.

Years ago, I heard from a friend that almost every American parent in Palo Alto sent their kids to see therapists. We were laughing about it because we believe our chinese culture, wisdom and traditions will undoubtly enable us to raise a responsible child. Recently, I read a book published by a psychologist and she said that she, a psychologist, had been seeing a psychologist when she could not clear her mind. I was surprised. Most of us only see psychologists in movies or books. Hope you can discuss more about the role of psychologists in helping your daughter.



Joanna (2015-03-28 02:01:18)



Hope the following information can help you with your book.  Best, Joanna.


According to psychology, when people are in pain, they automatically try to defend themselves. Typical defensive behaviors are:


1) blame/criticize others 


2) attempt to fix/correct others because they think that it is the OTHERS who cause the pain/problem.


3) victimize themselves: they think the situation is not fair. From a victim’s perspective, they judge what is right or wrong. They believe that they have the right to fight back or to rebel.


These kinds of behaviors are very common and we can easily find them in ourselves and the people around us.


Children often don't have sufficient experience and knowledge to understand their behaviors. When they are in deep trouble, they cannot focus on overcoming their own problems. Rather, they blame school for its boring classes, teachers for their unfairness, and parents for their cluelessness and injustice. Their balmes do have certain degree of truth. Most often, teachers’ and parents' help simply do not work.


Because they are under numerous pressures, they want to escape by using drugs, by dropping classes and etc.


Victimizing themselves, they believe that they have a RIGHT to rebel against parents, school and society. Some of them end up in prison. 


On the other hand, parents DO NOT realize that they have done anything wrong. Some of them think that they are victims and they believe that it is their parental responsibility to FIX their children. 


A lot of parents do not realize the underlying problems of their children amd simply believe that their children are lazy.


Although they love their children deeply, most parents DO NOT FIX their children appropriately. Especially when children act in a terrible way such as screaming and smashing things, parents's rages are provoked instantly and they end up fixing children in a way which they did not intend.


Parents do not realize that they must FIX their OWN parental skill in order to solve the probelms. 


Because mentally disordered children challenge parents in such a painful way, if parents are no aware of the root cause of the problems, they not only cannot FIX their children but also develop mental disorder illnesses themselves such as depression.


Many years ago, I heard that a beloved aunt, my father's coworker, committed suicide after many years of struggling with her son and her husband. I didn't understand at that time because she was very beautiful, intelligent and always kind to people around her. If children have mental disorders, their parents and their grand-parents may have very very minor mental disorders as well.


Relatives and close friends DON'T truly understand the special situation because they have NO knowledge on how to help children with metal disorders. 


They try to FIX those parents by giving advice based on their own parental experience. However, not only do those parents not value their friends’ advice, but they also feel offended because their friends or relatives are trying to FIX /BLAME them rather than understand their pain.


To help those children, everyone including children, parents, teachers, relatives and friends should make an effort to LEARN. 



BTW, for those people who verbally abuse their spouse and children, they use the same excuse - they have their responsibility to fix others. Or they are the victims...

海云 (2015-03-28 12:52:19)

I will try to write more on the therapist/psychologist experiences on next chapter.

天地一弘 (2015-03-28 13:07:46)
