
紧急动员:决战最高法院, 请投庄严一票

历 史性的时刻已经到来了:2/21/2012,美国最高法院决定审理用“族裔”的理由来提高亚裔和白人高校入学门槛的做法是否违宪。您--关爱孩子未来的父 母--现在就可以花一分钟时间来帮助孩子增大孩子上他们理想大学的机会。请您立即投票赞成(FOR) 80-20全美亚裔教育基金会的民调书,清楚明白地表明亚裔在这件案子上的立场。


资 料显示,亚裔在美国要比其他族裔成绩优秀许多才能上同样的学校。要上同样的名校,亚裔SAT要考1550分,白人1410分,而非裔只需要1100分* (英文和数学满分是1600)。亚裔入学这么高的门槛使得许多亚裔的大学申请者非常害怕,有些干脆拒绝列出他们是亚裔—其实学校一看名字还是能知道哪些孩 子是亚裔。。。

下面几周内,我们需要征集到至少五万个签名,让结果写入Amicus Curiae (“法庭之友”的文书)作为证据资料递交最高法院。我们要表明亚裔赞同以考生的综合素质(而不是族裔)作为美国高校的招生标准。综合素质包括申请学生现在 的学术成绩和未来可能的成功潜力,例如申请人是否能在不利的生活环境中仍能不懈努力等 (i.e. Overcome adversity under socio-economic constraint). 我们相信这样的定位能给所有的考生提供一个公平竞争的机会,也能给学校足够的弹性来制定他们的教育的目标。

之所以要五万个签名来支持这项 活动是因为现在最高法院不知道亚裔作为少数族裔在这个案例上是支持还是反对高校取消‘族裔’作为录取标准的。通过我们初步的调查,绝大多数的亚裔是支持取 消‘族裔’这个录取指标的。但是我们需要确实的数据来证明亚裔的立场,所以80-20全美亚裔教育基金会设计了这个民调书。

如果您愿意让 你孩子抬头做人,在申请书上大大方方承认自己是亚裔,而不惧怕会受歧视而上不了理想的学校的话,请现在就到下面的网站来签名赞成80-20的民调书,并请 您的其他的亚裔朋友都来签名。父母请各签一个名,有自由意志的学龄孩子也可以签名!(必须是绿卡或公民才可以投票,谢谢合作。)


A historical moment has arrived.  On February 21, 2012, the Supreme Court decided to review a pending lawsuit that challenges the prevalence use of strong racial preferences in college admission.  

Please take this survey to project your voice to the Supreme Court.  

Your children’s future is literally in your hands!  
Currently, Asian Americans are being held at a much higher college admission standard.  To receive equal consideration for the top colleges, out of a 1600 SAT maximum (verbal & math): 1550 for Asians = 1410 for Whites = 1100 for Blacks. 

The strong racial preferences instilled such a fear among Asian American applicants that many refuse to state their ethnicities in college applications.  If you want your children to face such a harsh reality, then do nothing.  Otherwise please take ONE minute to cast your vote.

We aim to gather 50,000 signatures and submit this national survey results to the Supreme Court.  We will submit an Amicus Curiae (“friend of the court” brief) advocating a race-neutral, merit-based college admission policy; with broadly defined merit to include current scholastic achievement and evaluated future potential of an applicant.  This nuanced position would provide fair and equitable opportunity to all applicants; while still provide the schools broad discretion in defining education objectives. 

“I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”  — Dr. Martin Luther King

“What? You don’t support diversity?” (Implying you are narrow minded)

Diversity is more than skin deep:  We support a diversity of ideas and socioeconomic backgrounds, which can be achieved through a sharp focus on individual character strengths without resorting to race and ethnicity.  For example, the schools could use a combination of socioeconomic conditions and performance of a student within such constraint to identify high-potential individuals.  If a socioeconomically disadvantaged group produces a disproportionally large percentage of students in this category, and therefore disproportionally benefits from such a preference, so be it.  The key departure from the current practice is that individual efforts are needed to gain admission, rather than  relying on a caricature of group characteristics, such as race and ethnicity.  After all, a poor African American kid and a poor Asian American kid from equally socioeconomically disadvantaged family backgrounds should compete based on their personal drives to succeed despite of the adverse conditions.  Racial preferences disproportionally benefit suburban wealth minorities who happen to have the “right” skin color, at the expense of their poor brethren and all others.

海云 (2012-03-01 02:08:09)


牧童歌谣 (2012-03-01 03:12:19)


朵朵妈 (2012-03-01 03:19:11)

牧童歌谣, 谢谢!我也投了,坚决支持!

予微 (2012-03-01 05:24:02)


Piggy (2012-03-03 01:04:32)



抱峰 (2012-03-04 23:12:32)



西山 (2012-03-08 02:03:52)
