
老大Carl暑假办summer camp,有了一批学生,也许是因为没有年龄的隔阂,课上课下他都和学生们打成一片,似乎孩子们很喜欢这个大哥哥。一位从中国过来的孩子,爸爸是国内知名公司的主管,妈妈带过来在美国上暑假夏令营,两个孩子,都在老大的班上。有一天,他们全家来我家聚会,爸爸跟我说,他一下飞机,就被大儿子拉到一旁,说了15分钟,说Carl对他的影响,还让爸爸妈妈多请我们家吃饭,这样,他就可以多和Carl接触,聊天了。呵呵,真不知道,老大有这魅力:-)


前天,收到一位朋友meimei的newsletter,mei mei是湾区很成功的房地产经济,很惊讶,Carl也上了她的newsletter:我拷贝过来吧:

My daughter also enjoyed attending a special weekend Public Speaking class on Sundays in August. This class, instructed a 20 years old young gentleman who was the son of a friend of mine and currently studies at UC Berkeley, was such a success that I cannot rave more about it. Not only teaching skills and techniques around public speaking, but also did this young man Carl share a lot of profound life lessons that were beneficial to me as an adult too. After 5 weeks class, each kid did a speech in front of the class and parents, and they were all impressive! I strongly recommend this class to any parent with kids from Grade 6-9. You can find more info at SV Prep.


Book Recommendations:

1. How to Be A High-School Superstar: Stand Out without Burning Out
By Cal Newport ($9.82)
Book link: http://goo.gl/8TMYb 


Calvin Newport is a 30 years-old Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. He received his Ph.D from MIT in Computer Science and his Bachelor's in Computer Science from Dartmouth.
He writes the most popular student advice blog on the internet: StudyHacks.
He has been a very influential writer in my own life. His recent book is about much more than just high-school. In it, he argues against the "passion trap," claiming that passion is not something you find -- it is something you create. He also advises against being the student who does 100 different activities in high-school at a mediocre level, but instead to be the individual who does only one thing, but does it incredibly well.

Click here to see the book: http://goo.gl/8TMYb

2. Man's Search for Meaning
By Viktor Frankl ($7.95)
Book link: http://goo.gl/PrNUp 
Viktor Frankl survived through 4 World War II Holocaust camps. His wife, parents and siblings all perished in these death camps, but he lived. In this hugely compelling, personal and deeply moving book, Viktor Frankl describes how he found meaning within the needless suffering of the war: and how we can each find it within our own lives.
This book is one of my all-time favorite books. Viktor is an amazing writer with a deep and insightful message. This is also one of the most famous books of the 20th century. Since its publication in 1959, it has sold millions of copies all over the world.
If you are a student or parent looking to find meaning, purpose and joy in the midst of hardships, look no further than this book to drink deeply from a well of knowledge.
Click here to learn more: http://goo.gl/PrNUp 
3. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
By Dr. Carol Dweck Ph.D ($10.88)
Carol Dweck is a professor of Psychology at Stanford University. During her graduate research at Columbia University, she discovered some remarkable facts about how people think:
  1. The fixed mindset
  2. The growth mindset
In this book, she outlines the danger of thinking within the framework of the fixed mindset, and how we can reshift our thinking to the growth mindset. This book is hugely influential and reveals much about parenting, loving others and living a successful life. I highly suggest buying and reading it.

Click here to see the book: http://goo.gl/xcrWv

阿朵 (2012-09-10 02:34:32)


天地一弘 (2012-09-10 14:07:27)


西山 (2012-09-26 03:20:06)
