
小哭注:这真的是峰回路转啊。谁能想到刚过一天 ,孩子对学校的评价180大转弯啊。那个令她讨厌的数学老师在她眼里也成了好老师了。她还回家准备了马上进行的小测验,还拿到了前几名的成绩。看来,她会开开心心、快快乐乐地去上学了。这就够了,何况,她又在文中提到了信仰,她说上帝回应了她的祷告了。


不怎么说 ,孩子现在的精神面貌,令我心情轻松愉快。今天她说唯一课外活动--游泳,也不想游了。那除了上学,她目前没有活动去参加了。天哪,上帝啊,帮帮她吧,她说游泳太累了,这哪是文中所展示出来的那个积极向上的样子啊。要是在以前,我一下子就火了,现在我不。你看她的作文啊,现在我也相信,上帝会做工的,如果她真的不游了,就如爸爸所说,再开发一项新的活动去参加吧。那不就是那句:上帝在关上一扇门的时候,同时会为你打开一扇窗。所以,我静观其变,不相信她天天那么早放学了,会愿意守在家里不出去玩。


HMS gets a little better


The next two days at HMS got a little better. No, a lot better!!! The people were way nicer and more familiar, I knew what to do for all the classes, and everthing just got a lot more friendly. After being at HMS for three days, I’ve concluded that there’s a few good ways and a few bad ways the students are different from Brooks. Good news first: the people there are mostly Asians or white people, and hardly any blacks at all. Not to be racist, but it’s just something I found interesting, because Brooks is mostly whites and blacks. The amount of asians and how similar they were to me pleased me greatly. Also, the students are much more open and friendly than at Brooks. Instead of having a “closed” circle of friends, their circle is “open” so I can join in anytime I want. They also all really want to be friends with me, and me being social I became friends with them. Bad news: I can’t tell the people apart. So far, I’ve talked to two Charllottes, two Tiffanies, and three different girls that looked exactly the same. It’s hard enough being the new student, but do I have to deal with the triplet/name problems too?


Spanish I stil have only praises to give. Mrs. Luczak, bless her soul, is an aweome teacher. In just three days, I’ve learned to say a whole page of word and prhases.       I can even say  Or maybe it’s not her, it’s me, I don’t know. Whomever the talented one is, I don’t care. I’m learning a lot of Spanish already, and I can’t wait to learn more! The only thing is that my Spanish pronouciation isn’t very good.


Algebra, the class I didn’t like much on the first day, surprised me on the days following. The teacher was a lot nicer, and all traces of that uncaring personality from the day before was gone. She explained to me personaly about how things are runned in her class. She even gave me a breif lesson on the Chapter while everyone else was doing homework! I worked hard in class and at home, and I think I did well on the chapter test. Because I’m not familiar with the chapter, it took me longer than others, but I think she’ll get a surprise when I get an “A” on the test!


After Algebra I had ELA, where I sat next to Amber. I also sit next to her in Algebra. I discovered a very…shocking talent Amber has. She can draw manga as well as any professional, japanese manga artist! I took three of her pieces that were just about to enter the trash, and they looked amazing!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Even my best piece of artwork looked like a three-year old’s drawing compared to this. That was all I could think about all throughout Language Arts. Amber seemed really nice. She doesn’t have a best friend in Language Arts, and I think I might’ve filled that role! Us two Chinese people stuck together through the whole two periodsJ.


The rest of the day went by very smoothly. Now that I knew where all the classrooms are, I didn’t get lost at all and even had the pleasure to show the other new student to our social studies classroom. At Lunch, I sat with the two Charllottes. At gym, I was friends with an Indian girl named Aira or something. Hey, I’m not being racist. It’s just that when you don’t know anyone’s names their skin color is all you can remember.


Science tied with Spanish for the best class. Even though I’ve already learned most of the things they taught in sixth grade at Malden, I still had fun. The teacher, Mr. Edggert, also my Advisor, is a really smart person. He has a major in life science and physics and use to teach geometry. Wow! He came from a long line of other smart people. His attitude is very calm but also interesting. I could tell I was going to like this class. Mr. Edggert seemed genuinely intersted in my past learning experiences and he liked to talk about his life a lot. I think a lot of students likes his class because he knows just how to get along with them. I know just how to get along with teachers like him, and I’m pretty sure he already placed me on his mental “very good student” list.


Science was my last class, and I made it to the bus in record time for both days. Of course, in my mental bus time list, I only have three different times recorded. Since Alex, the other new kid, was taking the same bus as me, we walked together to avoid getting lost. The bus was the same as the first day, except I was a lot more confident about where I get off.


All in all, I think I’m really going to love this school. My endless prayers to God had worked! Praise the Lord!



百草园 (2013-01-13 17:28:38)
